Friday, December 11, 2009

Kanya Why Is The Difference Between The Duration Of Day & Night Not Felt In Kanya Kumari ?

Why is the difference between the duration of day & night not felt in Kanya kumari ? - kanya

Why the difference between the length of day and night does not feel Kanya Kumari and not in Kashmir?


  1. eight standard-issue
    India is not so much of Ecuador from the upper region of pit Kanya Kumari receives direct sunlight throughout the year
    while Kashmir is far from the equator

    It is also a fact that there is a discrepancy between Gujarat, Arunachal Pradesh and the sun earlier in Arunachal Pradesh

  2. Kashmir is far from the equator and Kanya Kumari in the vicinity of the equator.

    During the winter in the Northern Hemisphere is strongly biased away from the sun. This makes the cold and have fewer hours of daylight. It looks Twarda the sun in the summer internship in the warm weather and daylight.

    This difference is not much in places near the equator receives the sun most of the same all year.

  3. Kanya Kumari in the vicinity of the equator, the days and nights are almost there. Kashmir is far from the equator, so why not the same experience.
