Monday, January 18, 2010

Barking Dog Motion Detector How To Teach My Dog To Bark At The Door?

How to teach my dog to bark at the door? - barking dog motion detector

My dog does not bark (which is 1.6 years, especially Black Lab / mix, very sweet).

I do not like the barking when someone who is not barking at the door. I do not believe in a nice area to live and have already been broken into (when they were traveling on weekends). I want my dog to bark when someone is at the door! I want to know the people that there is a dog in the house!

I've tried to teach him to bark, when they hear the bell or blow, but it seems useless because I can not stand him at all bark. Even in the dog park. For example, at 10 clock in the night, someone knocked on my door, and then the bell rang. My dog also (just a small spot, I doubt that the person at the door before he heard only), and it was! Nothing. I wanted to Barking Mad Fortunately, the man left, but why they knocked on my door first? Faulty or shell of the house of my house?

I hear bells that they recorded the barking of doors.
Maybe you can leave commenced.

Does anybody know thatbefore I can find this article? I tried searching, but found only a barking Motion ...

My dog is timid at all. It .... just do not bark for nothing. He can bark. I've heard .... once every blue moon.


  1. I paired from a command to my dogs barking and a natural "no" command when he barks when I do not want to talk about it, I suggest, if it is a pair of command cortex after learning of the order to release the door, pair and give the charge, and only two at the door with a treatment if it is correct.
    Good luck
    Moreover, if it can not be used to bark at the door, so you try to look at a new note or call to order.

  2. I've heard that the bark of the fight ..... It helps a story of the ancient sages is .... may be able to look ridiculous, but the work !!!... only knock on the shoulder is not difficult ... no harm !!!... GOOD LUCK
