Thursday, January 7, 2010

Diagram Of The Vigiana What Exactly Happens To The Elbow Joints When The Elbow Is Hyperextended?

What exactly happens to the elbow joints when the elbow is hyperextended? - diagram of the vigiana

I make a report for my anatomy course, and I keep reading about a hyperextension, but I do not understand what specifically the joints? Do not stretch the ligaments too far? Is there pressure between the upper arm and Elle? (Is there a strip between the upper arm and Elle: I think so, but can not find a suitable chart.) In addition, if a diagram of a hyperextended elbow (can not be found) will be a big help. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. The main collateral ligaments of the elbow ligaments are two sidebands to put one on each side (radial and ulnar, or of the humerus with the radius and ulna). These are the ligaments stretching in hyperextension. There is also a fibrous capsule covering the joint, so that the front range of the capsule.
