Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pvc Shower Curtain If I Washed My Brand New PVC Shower Curtain In The Washing Machine A Bunch Of Times (it Stunk) Is It Safe?

If I washed my brand new PVC shower curtain in the washing machine a bunch of times (it stunk) is it safe? - pvc shower curtain

I knew if I was the package that offers something really bad because it smelled so bad chemicals. Today on the news that these shower curtains release toxic chemicals (volatile organic compounds (VOCs), phthalates and organotin compounds) in the air. I washed with soap and hot water for three cycles in the washing machine until he got better. They believe that it is now safe?


  1. My shower curtain is not dangerous. Despite the intimidation and terror tactics, the recent growth of interest groups if they wanted, that toxic chemicals that have never eat, drink, or avoid breathe again. The mere existence of a toxic chemical does. What counts is your level of exposure to this chemical. Too much sun can be deadly. So much water or too much oxygen, but do not want that the government ban, is not it? Go ahead and wash your shower curtain, if you want or simply buy a new one.

  2. VOCs are vapors and slowly Leach () so the "volatile" organic compounds. Washing the curtain of water with soap can remove a surface layer, but will continue to slow, as the gas seeps. Personally, I use a shower curtain vinyl, no doubt, but I understand the fear, especially with the relationship between phthalates and testicular diseases. But really, unless you remove the dashboard of your car, stay away from wood veneer, and almost avoiding soft plastics, 10 minutes per day that passes shower curtain is the least of their worries.

  3. It depends on the temperature sensitivity of PVC curtains and if they are washed too hot. May have reduced the chemical composition of some now from VOCs. I say new study to date that I heard on the radio that some VOCs are not sure. As the "New Car Smell" Everybody loves. Indeed, it is causing cancer. So the man, as stated above, ProBaby aside a day or 2, and leaves.

  4. The end result is that washing the curtain did not do much for their chemical composition. If you really do not contain volatile organic compounds, phthalates and organothins rinsed again later. This view of the hand ... If you buy in a few studies indicate that it is dangerous to a gap, otherwise abstain. In any case, the molecular structure and composition will be identical.
