Friday, February 5, 2010

Canker Sore On Lip Canker Sore/cold Sore On Lip?

Canker sore/cold sore on lip? - canker sore on lip

Ive never had a cold front button. I have a sore on my lip cancer, and further inland, but still. feels like a cancerous sore (I have a lottt of them). Can sores in the mouth? or which is not automatically a cold sore? If one had a wound on the lip?


  1. Cancer may in wounds (smooth) on the lips when she is in pink, more like a cold sore. If there is a cancer sore, try it with warm salt water ... To calm Scar Tissue. When a cold sore, take an anti-virus and abreeva.

  2. The fires are of herpes simplex. See Wikipedia article on "mouth ulcer". All the best.
