Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why Is It Bad To Eat Unopened Mussels Christians Who Say Homosexuality Is A Sin, What Is At Least One Logical Reason Why Homosexuality Is Bad?

Christians who say homosexuality is a sin, what is at least one logical reason why homosexuality is bad? - why is it bad to eat unopened mussels

Note: Without reference to God, the Bible, Jesus or any other form of religious response-oriented.

Other alleged "sins" that kill many other social or moral reasons why it is bad or theft. What are some other reasons that homosexuality is wrong?


  1. This is the logical reason that I have.

    Religions must spread in order to retain power
    Most of this growth is through families that Christians give birth to other Christians.
    If the person is gay, then they can not have children
    Therefore stunting the growth of Christianity

    thats my logic reaason
    God hates to allegedly

  2. Homosexuality refers to relations between men or women who are sexually attracted exclusively or predominantly for same-sex experiences. He took a variety of ways through the centuries and cultures. The psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Based on Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of serious vices, has a tradition always declared that "homosexual acts are not in order." These are contrary to natural law. They signed the act of sexual gift of life. Do not conduct a true emotional and sexual. Can be accepted in any case.

    The number of men and women have homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a test. Must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These people are called to do the will of God in their lives, and if ChRISTIAN to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they encounter May of her condition.

  3. Homo _sexuality_ is not bad.

    The sexual act is important for several reasons, including bad especially the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

    Edit: And yes, my answer is the same for heterosexual acts outside of marriage.

    And your question is not a reference to the Bible.

  4. I think the point is made, but I'll add my voice to others.

    Strictly speaking, homosexuality does not make sense in nature, because it contests the dominant sex with a child: the creation of a new generation of new species. Therefore, homosexuality never see in other species, finally, is the natural point of these units are not funny, but the scapegoat of the race.

    We must also ask ourselves, if not prevented the logic or the nature of homosexuality, why is it that we find the endemic diseases related to lifestyle, such as AIDS (for example)? Why is shown how research has suffered, not homosexuals, an increased incidence of mental disorders than their heterosexual counterparts? Why is the suicide rate is higher? While society may contribute to some of these things, but we could not conclude that these effects are made with natural behavior associated with such a lifestyle?

    I think the real question is why heterosexuality resist if they are largely free of these Physical and social complications?

    As a side note, I would add that it is unfortunate that those who are called Christians, most of them live on attacks against homosexuality in other behaviors and attitudes of the Bible known as sin. Write the book of James about how the sight of God is not a sin "worse" than the other. It is the sin. So even though I believe that the Bible teaches against homosexuality, I also know that, against the lies, deception and hate teach everything that was, among other things, I owe. I do not know really able to put a finger, right?

  5. Apparently, the tissue of the brain of the artificial structure, but so far people are assuming that the different structure of the problem, and nobody has the idea of knowledge - an approach that do not test Science.

    What disturbs the process of natural selection and evolution.

    Children need positive role models for both sexes - it takes about a continuous, 24 / 7 as soon as possible. You need to learn how adult men and women to interact responsibly and respectfully. You are in the truest sense, healthier and better adapted in this case.

    I do not know this for a fact, but I read in the newspapers that
    * Average homosexual pedophiles have more victims than heterosexual pedophiles.

    * Gay men average more sexual partners than heterosexuals.

  6. Do not try to reason with them. You can replace the word "Christian" with that of neo-Nazis with the Jews and homosexuals, and you would realize that his argument has no basis in his madness for world domination.

    "I love gays, but I wish there were fewer questions about them in R & S. In fact, it quickly becomes boring."
    It was his hand that this question was religious, talk to them about it:)

    No African-Americans have a greater chance of passing as gay men. Do not see that marrying someone in the fight against their rights. The irony is denied the right to bring before the government will do more harm to the world than vice versa.

  7. Xinio64-Noldor Gaytheist AtheatiFebruary 3, 2010 at 8:55 PM

    Three main reasons:
    1. Body parts were designed for male-female relationships
    2. The same-sex couples can not pro --
    3. Any country that allows freedom of self-destroyed Homosexuality

    For the first time straight men nail her at any time assholes woman having sex.
    The second: What can couples with an infertile couple (s hetero)
    Thirdly, why not Canada in flames?

  8. It is hard to say what is wrong, let alone the Bible. That is why most people think it is bad. Others believe it is simply wrong that two men or women to be together. I am a Christian who believes in the word of God, but also of the opinion that there are things worse than murderers, thieves, especially gay pedophiles. I think a person has a right to their lives without living judged by others. We have done everything, what others do not approve. And if I quote the Bible says that Jesus is a sin as seriously as the others. So if someone says a dirty word, or that person is gay is the same difference. Therefore, other people are looking for, before someone else to judge!

  9. Well, I'm not sure I would call it "bad", but it does not appear, because a) men and women were clearly intended to be physically together in unity and, b) Since the organization has shown a predisposition of human beings that spread the species, is simply not possible from a biological perspective.

    I am a Christian on the street.

  10. I have some questions, if that's okay. Is this a bad thing for a grown man molested a child? Is this a bad thing for a man who promises his wife, in the "Down Low"? Is this a bad thing for a man or a woman having sex with an animal?

    To begin with the first, how can one in their right mind (male or female) sexually abused a child or an innocent young girl, and I think that is correct?

    Why would a man who said "yes" to the altar for the wife would be faithful for the rest of his life living a secret life as a homosexual and I think it is "good"?

    Who in their right mind (male or female) who abuse their bodies and those of an innocent animal to satisfy a natural need, and there is nothing wrong with that?

    I mention this because they occur in the United States as we speak. Anyone with a conscience, someone with a sense of good and evil to anyone, not to use reason and logic would justify an act does not ask whether "s good or bad.

  11. That made sense in biblical times, because people were very young and was encouraged reproduction. More people have more babies born workers. It is apparent that homosexuals not only his role. Therefore, homosexuals were harmful to society.

    Now the population is too high. Our resources are running to make our need for babies. So, now homosexuality has no negative effects. In fact, one could argue that those who are heterosexual, that cause the problem of overpopulation.

  12. Uh ... The possibility of zero population, would eventually cause the extinction of humans. Say not "immediately", but as time goes by ... long. In fact, the time that the company is acceptable, since people are placed in the list of endangered species. Surely you can appreciate and recognize that if the company is lax in morals is usually not confined to one area. I lived the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's, and as we all are. Giving Society thumb in the field of morality, and "is" under a couple of miles - and a bit softer.

    Human nature dictates: If yes, what about ... Well, if you can / do away with him, I can not do that ...

    Whatever ... You asked a hypothetical situation for me and many others, because the true Christian life of faith to live out and can not exclude God, Jesus and the Bible. Did I say from my perspective as someone who has lived and through five decades of social progress. "

    Add-on: If on waking, each in his hometown, he decides to live a homosexual lifestyle that is socially acceptable and there would be no significant change in five or 10 years? Of course.

    Not feel obliged to answer the second question, because you broke their own limitations with the word "sin". They are not even in the first part of the question, but give me a chance.


  13. I really like is the girl who suggested that "if all the gay men leave for humanity" ... wow ... just wow ... even if it adopted a decision (which is not) you really think people are stupid enough to vote "to" to end the human race? Some people are really familiar ... no choice, get over it! suggesting that it is an option, which in turn suggest that heterosexuality is also an option, because if you choose another, he could choose another. ... And believe me, like a real man .. . I guarantee that I would never choose to sex with a man for a woman ... So, as evidence of its not possible!

  14. I really like is the girl who suggested that "if all the gay men leave for humanity" ... wow ... just wow ... even if it adopted a decision (which is not) you really think people are stupid enough to vote "to" to end the human race? Some people are really familiar ... no choice, get over it! suggesting that it is an option, which in turn suggest that heterosexuality is also an option, because if you choose another, he could choose another. ... And believe me, like a real man .. . I guarantee that I would never choose to sex with a man for a woman ... So, as evidence of its not possible!

  15. For it is not as it should. A man and a woman or a man and a woman can have a child (I believe that modern medicine and science, which, although it could), and if you have not noticed, refers to a penis vagina, not a hole jajaja in the ass. But I will not be discriminatory.

  16. For it is not as it should. A man and a woman or a man and a woman can have a child (I believe that modern medicine and science, which, although it could), and if you have not noticed, refers to a penis vagina, not a hole jajaja in the ass. But I will not be discriminatory.

  17. Homosexuality has left his mark here and there in the wide world, and also about our history!

    My favorite is the Chinese spirit of God, who loves all people, was a soldier of the Chin Dynasty. Similarly, the Roman emperor Hadrian, and was his love for Antinous declared a god, "so .. no honey is not morally reprehensible, is a gift indeed!

    and do for the record that people have no children .. Stright gay LOL

  18. Low life expectancy, depression, drugs, the spread of the disease, its place is not sufficient to give a complete list, but if you look seriously interested in learning more about the harmful effects of homosexuality Centers for Disease Control and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Clearinghouse Journal of the American Medical Association. Search and find. Sorry, could not resist.

  19. I'll give you 25 million reasons. Those who died of AIDS and more than 33 million are currently infected. And they realize they are not alone in receiving help, but they are the group most affected by this disease.http: / / handle worldstats.htm www.avert.org or: Why the thumbs down. Is there an error in the calculations?

  20. Not sure, but it may simply against the "roles" are born basically.

    Sometimes I wonder where is the sin of "everything goes against you the best mental and physical life was given to us"

    May not make sense (ie, not reproductive) pleasure, instead of (re) productive pleasure ...

    may simply not a "sin" as theft, but a bad decision, because
    other reasons such as the effect could have on the physical and mental

    perhaps may be affecting other aspects of the life of a person, that is, if it does not Matchy Matchy is acceptable, others not Matchy Matchy are introduced in default of acceptance ... .

    and maybe we'll all just an example for the people that humanity faces at the others around them know what is right and wrong and where what is essentially wrong, regarded as a right
    This refers to what is lost?

    not those who disbelieve in religion, looks around, as weLL themselves what is right, proper and most beneficial? But we can not always rely on our own opinions about this issue.

    This is one reason why most are a religion .... because they know all the answers yourself ... they can get the word of the messengers who have seen it.

    I do not know the answer to your question
    but I have some ideas.

  21. Not sure, but it may simply against the "roles" are born basically.

    Sometimes I wonder where is the sin of "everything goes against you the best mental and physical life was given to us"

    May not make sense (ie, not reproductive) pleasure, instead of (re) productive pleasure ...

    may simply not a "sin" as theft, but a bad decision, because
    other reasons such as the effect could have on the physical and mental

    perhaps may be affecting other aspects of the life of a person, that is, if it does not Matchy Matchy is acceptable, others not Matchy Matchy are introduced in default of acceptance ... .

    and maybe we'll all just an example for the people that humanity faces at the others around them know what is right and wrong and where what is essentially wrong, regarded as a right
    This refers to what is lost?

    not those who disbelieve in religion, looks around, as weLL themselves what is right, proper and most beneficial? But we can not always rely on our own opinions about this issue.

    This is one reason why most are a religion .... because they know all the answers yourself ... they can get the word of the messengers who have seen it.

    I do not know the answer to your question
    but I have some ideas.

  22. I am totally disgusted with some answers to your questions ethane (.

    People, so far I've seen compare to 'relations between adults of the same sex "to:

    Child Sexual Abuse
    For example, the promotion of diseases: HIV / AIDS

    I am not a Christian, but live in a country where all homosexual unions are legal and have the same benefits of marriage, people who want to live. Only a few families of the same sex together as long as the law was in force, and attracted many well-adjusted children, some of these children were happy now "traditional" families for themselves.

  23. Mary Magdalene is my momFebruary 5, 2010 at 8:57 PM

    Not lead to procreation, and thus the validity of the order to multiply and replenish the earth and ultimately lead to the eradication of humanity on the face of the earth in the time

    penises and two vaginas, two separately is not a child

  24. Mary Magdalene is my momFebruary 5, 2010 at 8:57 PM

    Not lead to procreation, and thus the validity of the order to multiply and replenish the earth and ultimately lead to the eradication of humanity on the face of the earth in the time

    penises and two vaginas, two separately is not a child

  25. What a sad litany of disgust is presented here!

    And above all, what disgust Petty! "It is not natural," they cry - her spirit of their finances and discourtesy. Deary me. As if the guys today are not considered directly as a kind of anal Holy Grail!

    I say off and orbit the nuclear facilities. It is the only way to be sure.

  26. I am not a Christian, but in reality there is no reason to cons. Credit people with AIDS and HIV should not forget that heterosexuals can become ill.

  27. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yMVU3lY- ...
    I love this song.
    Liminality of Twilight.
    I hope you have your mind from all that bitterness.

  28. The objection that no "babies" spirit is overwhelmingly stupid. The world is already overpopulated, may have fewer children is a good thing.

  29. As a way to ask without using logic?
    How to ask a nail to nail.
    As prompted to clean the washing with water, but use the water.
    Can you sing a song without the nuances of the music?
    Did you see something that is not genuine?

    How do I answer a question about God, sin, without any reference to what God is sin?

    How stupid quesiton!

  30. If you read the following scripts:

    Romans 1:18 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinners, wicked men, press away the truth from them. [Fn]

    Rom 1:19 For the truth about God, it is known to them instinctively. [Fn] God has put this knowledge into their hearts.

    Rom 1:20 For if the world was created, have seen the man, heaven and earth and all that God has made. One can clearly see his invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature. You have no excuse not to know God.

    Rom 1:21 Yes, I knew it God, but he was like God, or even thank him revered. And she began to think of absurd ideas about what God was. The result was that their minds became dark and confused.

    Rom 1:22 they are wise, they were absolute fools in their place.

    Rom 1:23 instead of worship of the glorious, ever living God, who worshiped idols to look like normal human beings or animals and birds and snakes.

    Rom 1:24 So God allows them to go ahead and do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. Consequently, they are mean and degrading things with each other bodies.

    Romans 1:25, instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, who believe deliberately lies. And they worshiped the things God has done, but not the Creator himself, who is worthy of praise, for ever. Amen.

    Rom 1:26 So God left them their shameful desires. Women, too, against the natural way to have sex and instead visited the sex between them.

    Rom 1:27 So many people, instead of the normal sexual relations with women, burned with the desire for each other. The men were shameful things with other people and thus in itself suffered the punishment they deserve.

    Rom 1:28 When they refused to acknowledge God, gave up his spirit of evil and let them do things, which one should never do.

    Rom 1:29 Their lives are filled with all kinds of crime, sin,Greed, hatred, envy, murder, fighting, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip.

    Rom 1:30 They're Backstabbers, enemies of God, insolent, haughty and arrogant. Stop inventing new ways of sin and do not obey their parents.

    Rom 1:31 They refuse to understand, break their promises, and are ruthless and relentless.

    Rom 1:32 They are fully aware of the death penalty from God for those who go do these things, but before you and do it anyway. And, worse, encourage others to do so.

  31. Ah, good for you to work a penis is not well with another penis or vagina, and another job in the vagina, and ASEAN is a starting point and not a point of entry.

    When it comes to morality, I can not really say if the whole of humanity, with the exception of those who has offended her, but it still seems a little obscene.

    But really, I personally have nothing against homosexuals. They are people. I do not think sexual orientation is natural. Reproduce Sex is used to two of the same sex can not reproduce.

  32. Can you ask this question without using the words of the Bible?

    This is, I answer without reference to the Bible, etc.

    All sex outside of a man / woman marriage is a sin, and

    The wages of sin is death

    God bless you as you study His Word

    \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt ;:)))> \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt;

  33. Can you ask this question without using the words of the Bible?

    This is, I answer without reference to the Bible, etc.

    All sex outside of a man / woman marriage is a sin, and

    The wages of sin is death

    God bless you as you study His Word

    \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt ;:)))> \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt;

  34. Always praising God.February 7, 2010 at 8:11 AM

    It was not created so. God created man and woman, and together they can reproduce. Two persons of the same sex can not reproduce. No matter how many times people try to justify their sinful lifestyle, can not and never will.
